Rita: Seal Sambito

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Brand Classification: 

  • Certification


August 2016


November 2016


PETER NIESSEN (2019-04-18)

@michael: you have hawk eyes!

michael (2019-04-17)

Significant shorter LOGISTICS. A picture to compare is added to the details.

bertieboy (2017-12-06)

I have 3 clear versions of #4011
Yellow, light Orange and dark Orange

PETER NIESSEN (2017-12-06)

#4011 in orange, instead of yellow

Michael (2017-06-10)

SAMBITO = Soluciones Ambientales Totales

This certification is added to the article about certifications. There is still some work needed to get the descriptions and purpose of the certification complete. Please let us know if you have fun to do some research.

Michael (2016-12-21)

Found today in Frankfurt on bananas

Michael (2016-10-05)

Found this one today in Frankfurt on bananas. There is no a main label, but some information from the box:

Tropical Fruit Export S.A.
ww.tropicalfruitexport.com, Tel.: (593-) 2838-701 / 2839-958

A picture of the box is added

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